eyes category archive
oh, oh, 7. 0
the year in pictures. thanks to you, everyw’air was everywhere and sac 1 sac 2 were partout. it was good. inspiring, encouraging, uplifting and good. and i thank you! in no particular order, a shout out to the people, places and enterprises that put the wonder in my wonderful: feal mor, bazar, platform experiment, chay, dream collective, moon juice, beautiful dreamers, priscillawoolworth.com, alder & co, beatrice valenzuela, garde, jess browne, storefrontLA/parachute market, echo park craft fair, kneeland mercado, pressSF, west coast craft, le feu de l’eau, velvet by graham & spencer, la HM, shelter social club. dpbm liberty fair drugstore, a love movement, tomboy style, keep it chic, jiggy loves, honestly wtf, busy being,keep feeling fascination,pure wow, miss moss,the radder.
peace, blessings and one love to all!
6 was nice. here comes(2+0+1+4) 7!
Sharecoyoacan pt2: what frida (and diego) wore 0
among the many noteable residences in coyoacan, (like trotsky’s hideout,) is la casa azul, where frida kahlo lived with diego rivera and home to the museo frida kahlo. one of the most famous latin american artists in the 20th century, reknowned for her paintings, physical (and emotional) tribulations, frida kahlo is also revered for her defiant, flamboyant style. inspired by the beautiful traditional dress of the people of Tehuantepec, a southern city where her mother was from, she also used these outfits to either call attention to or divert attention from a variety of physical afflictions resulting from childhood polio (embroidered platform shoes) and a near fatal auto accident (her sculpted, be-dazzled corsets).
until recently, all we had seen are photographs and paintings of fridas’ elaborate outfits, never the garments themselves. after her death, rivera locked away all her belongings, corsets, huipiles, skirts, capes, gowns and accessories. after his death they were in the safe keeping of a friend who kept them until her death in 2002. as if frozen in time, the permanent collection of the museo frida kahlo includes art and ephemera of both frida and diego, placing social and historical significance with letters, newspaper clippings and photographs. but now through november, there is also a small gallery housing temporary, rotating exhibit called, Appearances Can Be Deceiving, of a few of her outfits, accessories, photographs and some contemporary fashion inspired by her oft-imitated style.
you best believe we made a bee-line to pay homage to this style icon (sneaking a few pix along the way!)
Sharecoyoacan by bike 1
coyoacan is one of 16 boroughs of mexico city. it’s name, in nahuatl, means ‘place of the coyotes’ and is where the aztecs named this pre-hispanic village mostly populated by the tepenec people. hernan cortes and the spanish used this area as their headquarters making it the capital of ‘new spain’ around 1523. over the centuries the urban sprawl of mexico city developed around coyoacan leaving its’ cobble stone streets, alleys, plazas, gardens and many homes relatively intact amidst a vibrant, thriving bustling community. for locals or tourists, i can think of no better way to explore this gorgeous neighborhood than by bike. so we did. heathermarie’s friend febo, a professor of urban planning at the university, also operates a bike tour company and was our knowledgeable, enthusiastic guide/host. in the cool of mid-morning we breezed through the streets, taking in the sites, while febo explained historical and social significances, often stopping along the way to explore gardens or alleys or doorways or whatever caught our eye. you get to cover so much more ground, breezing around by bike. we had a light lunch at a nearby cantina and afterwards, walked back to wander some more on own. febo and his mexico bike tour offer tours of other areas i would’ve liked to explore, had i the time. next visit. when you visit mexico city i highly recommend adding their bike tour to your list of must-see + do’s.
mexico city: primera parte 1
about that time i went to mexico city, to visit my dear sister heathermarie, for the first time, after many years of her living there! boy, did she show me a grand time, take me to beautiful places, introduce me to wonderful people who also shared their gorgeous, vibrant city with me – generally, make me wonder what the heck took me so long to get my ass down there! tlalpan, centro historico, coyoacan, tlalpuente, la condesa…pre-colonial, colonial, mid-century modern, contemporary modern -it’s all going on…good friends, fine food, textiles, art and culture -this long overdue trip was so up my alley. i can hardly wait to return!
enjoy primera parte of my whirl-wind tour!
Shareshout out, part deux 2
recently, i had the pleasure of having an in-store, style play-date at feal mor, one of my favorite shops, run by two of my favorite people – jp and shaheen plunier. if you still haven’t been, go. amidst the gato heroi surf boards, amsterdam wetsuits, the mini dj mixer, vintage military and all sorts of covetable objets, feal mor is known for jp’s whimsical take on traditional breton menswear -all of which are easy enough to mix into my wardrobe. but did you know there are also many gems in the store for the ladies?
the day i saw shaheen, (madame, lady feal mor) rocking their new cap sleeved mariniere i knew i had to a) get one and 2) share the news. big time. and that’s how i happened to do some rearranging and spotlight some lady-looks featuring feal mor, delphine atelier, de rien, some vintage military shirts, sailor pants, j. augur bags and liwan sandals.
fun (and champs) was had by all. and no one was punished. ok, maybe a wallet or two may still be smarting, but, hey…
ps: the cap-sleeve marinieres are flying out the door, so you know what to do about that…
pps: attention fienders: i hear a new stash of ceramics by eric darrow and batik linens by kathryn herrman is imminent.
feal mor 165 s la brea los angeles ca 90036 323.939.6600
Shareshout out 0
yesterday, i awoke to discover that shiva rose, (author of one of my most favorite blogs, the local rose,) included everyw’air sprays in her list of ‘loves’, on a new (to me) site called bungalux. well, thank you and good day to everyone! venus transit, so far, so good.
echo park craft fair: may 12 + 13. see you there. 0
so much goodness: clothing, jewelry, accessories, everyw’air sprays, partout -the roll-on, herbal remedies, flowers, linens, art, stationary, sculpture, posters, stained glass, yummy eat treats + more. be there and meet the makers!
Sharehappy holliday 0
some days i’m all about color, color, color…sun vault color.
other days, i’m happily blue, blue, indigo, denim, chambray, blissed out blue.
gorgoeus paintings by hadley holliday @ taylor cordoba
Share1.2.12 where’s everyw’air? 2
when this site launched 1.1.11, 2 stores were championing the 3 everyw’air sprays. and that was extremely nice. very encouraging. what a difference a year makes! 365 days later: 10 stores, 4 cities and a new product – partout. it’s been a slow and steady, sometimes bumpy, often up-hill, always forward, mostly pleasant ride.
love, blessings and gratitude to all the friends, family and shops that helped spread positivity everyw’air in 2011!
lost & found 6320 Yucca Street, Los Angeles, CA 90028, 323 856 5872
feal mor 165 South La Brea Los Angeles, CA 90036, 323.939.6600
post 26, brentwood country mart 225 26th st, #35, Santa Monica, CA 90402 (310) 451-0950
new high (m)art 1720 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323) 638-0271
vivier and bentley 1404 Micheltorena, Silver Lake, CA 90026 (323) 665-2476
busy-being 913 East Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78702P/F: 512.520.9278
art in the age 116 North 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
beautiful dreamers 326 Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11249 (718) 388-4884
yolk 1626 Silver Lake Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90026(323) 660-4315
here’s to more good vibe maintaining, optimum health achieving, dream full-filling, talent sharing, creativity flowing, music making, wisdom gaining, nature exploring and up-ful stuff like that, in 2012! peace and blessings, xxxagnes
a swedish love story 0
my goddaughter, ama, turned me on to this trailer. does she know me, or what?!? i could hardly stand it! the simple, timelessness of the styling and cinematography is -perfection. roy andersson‘s En kärlekshistoria/A Swedish Love Story was released in 1970, but besides the cars, nothing else really dates it. it could easily be a contemporary a.p.c. campaign. the fresh, wholesomeness of tween ‘first love angst’ reminds me of the outsiders or the virgin suicides -but with even better omni-style styling. really. you can watch some short clips on you tube but i cannot wait to see the whole film and check out other works of swedish filmmaker, roy andersson.
here’s another other non-disney ‘tween’ film i loved.
Sharetantra song 0
tantra song, a rare collection of mesmerizing paintings on salvaged paper, by hindu tantra devotees, collected by franck andré jamme. “things of beauty used to awaken heightened states of consciousness.” indeed.
Sharebrentwood pitstop 1
whenever i’m west of westwood, i will find any excuse to make a pitstop through the brentwood country mart, see what’s shakin’. an indoor/outdoor cluster of shops and food is a throw back in time -to a calmer, low-key, more relaxed, “village main street” commercial experience. in curating this refined retail + restaurant vortex someone had the good sense to include a mini post office, shoe repair, bookstore and barber shop -real neighborhood necessities with your luxuries, please and thank you. it’s says brentwood but i think it’s really santa monica, at least i feel ocean breezes. my most recent brief tour i stopped in post 26, roberta roller rabbit, pippa small and turpan -for my fashion, linen, jewelry and high design household needs, y’know. making my rounds, i cut thru farmshop but alas, didn’t have time to stop. next visit i intend to indulge -the food is fresh and looks amazing plus there’s prepared foods and a butcher so treats to go. more on the eats later…swing by this thurs 9.8.11, early eve, for their fashion night out event featuring a special screening of bill cunningham new york film and the malia mills documentary short. should be fun…
art in the streets 0
aug 8 is the last day to view a staggering selection of art in the streets @ moca.-from box car tagging, ny wild style, subway train bombs, stencil art, la calligraphy, photography -it’s exhaustive and invigorating and i cannot believe there’s not enough money to bring this ridunculously awesome, record-breakingly popular show to it’s birthplace -nyc. WTF brooklyn museum??? whatta g’wan? there were lines ’round the block. in LA! downtown was buzzing on a thursday night. parking lots full up at 6 pm! just sayin’. it’s a win-win, popular, all ages, all cultures show. BTW, banksy sponsored “free mondays” so tomorrow should be off the hizzle with peeps…but worth it. N-joy!
Shareapricots & valentina 0
june is apricot time! and one of my favorite recipes is featured this month at priscillawoolworth.com.this site is an ever evolving fount of information to inspire us to lead healthier, more eco-conscious, impact-ful lives in harmony with nature. be sure to check out the june almanac filled with inspiring projects, books and films, great tips for health and the garden -i especially love priscilla’s eco garden tips for gardening by the moon phases!
speaking of gardens, did you know valentina, the super attractive compact composter designed by priscilla, now has a facebook fan page? be sure to “like” valentina at your next opportunity! if you have one, post updates, share your experiences.
valentina is the perfect size for the micro gardener, like me, working smaller spaces or in pots on terraces, landings, porches etc. here are my tomatoes, strawberries and herbs thriving from valentina‘s bounty.
life is beautiful 0
i love street art. driving around la, not a day goes by when i don’t see something interesting. i grab my camera and shoot it before the light turns or -in the interest of public safety and points on my license, i drive around, pull over, then shoot. coming up in nyc in the 70’s/80’s i’ve seen my share of awesome graffiti/stencil art/murals etc -it’s still in full effect there, thriving all over the world for that matter, but something is definitely brewing in la, here and now.
there’s an overview of the history of graffiti and street art – art in the streets at the geffen contemporary @ moca thru august 8, 2011. for more la street art, on the web, (-because if you’re here, just look around, it’s absolutely everywhere,) check melroseandfairfax.
Sharebaubles and bags 0
clare vivier, who single handedly closed the book on over-logo’d “it” bags (really, a public service,) by creating the chicest, simplest, most functional, pleasingly colorful (or not) clutch/bag/tote varieties and kathryn bentley who, in short, designs the kind of jewelry i want to wear everyday, just opened a store/studio together! and that ain’t all: beatrice valenzuela‘s awesome handmade leather sandals and slip-ons, heather levine ceramics and a rotating selection of artwork from taylor cordoba gallery. welcome to the pleasure dome. almost too much joy. everywhere inside, it’s local talent, luxe-deluxe in organic simplicity. and how about that painted rug???
to no one in particular (you know who you are,) and for no immediate occasion i can think of, i’ll just say: one of every thing, in every color, please. and thank you!
vivier and bentley: 1404 micheltorena @ sunset. (323) 665-2476. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. monday-saturday. http://www.seevivier.com/; http://www.dreamcollective.com; http://www.kathrynbentley.com;
Shareapril almanac 0
have you checked out priscilla woolworth‘s april almanac? DO! it’s a fount of useful and inspiring information: simple recipes( -what’s better than roasted cauliflower? roasted cauliflower with parsley sauce, that’s what), tips for gardening by the moon, eco innovations, thoughtful recommendations to stock in our emergency preparedness kit, plus awesome books and film finds that celebrate the wonders of nature and so much more. enjoy!