out and about category archive
one kings lane now through 9.10.13 0
i am pleased to be included in one kings lanes latest artisanal sale: making scents! now thru 10 september. also featured in this sale: dear friends wendy polish and jo strettel’s candle line le feu de leau , mcmc fragrances and oui ceramic candles. check us out, here.
Sharetomboy style X agnes baddoo leather goods = one love 1
lovely lizzie garrett gives some love to my leather goods on her blog, tomboy style. much love. much thanks, lizzie!
sac 1 is currently available online here and at priscillawoolworth.com.
parachute market: this weekend 3
i am so looking forward to participating in this event this weekend.
i’ll be bringing
hope to see you there!
carolina k y tepoztlan 0
wife, mother, musician, fashion designer, carolina k is truly a renaissance woman. argentinian by birth, based in mexico, with a line sold all over the world, her creations are inspired by her travels and love of hand craft. modern interpretations of traditional folk dress and craft, carolina works closely with crafting communities throughout latin america to create collections for men, women, children and home. all the while with a business emphasis on social responsibilty. originally, heathermarie turned me on to her friend’s clothing line well over 12 years ago. in fact we even used some pieces in photo shoots, back in the day. then, as zero-degrees-of separation would have it, one recent summer one of her sun-dresses was a huge hit at lost & found for me and some of my friends. (yes, sarah brady, the dress!) hm had been cyber-linking us for what seemed like forever so, of course, one of our first adventures was a short road trip to visit her at her studio in tepoztlan. as you can see, it did not disappoint! carolina is warm, relaxed, friendly, vibrant -just like her clothes! we passed the time trading stories, finding more people in common and catching up like old friends. dresses and knit leggings (inspired by peruvian sweaters) left with us that day.
in the works, is a collaboration with heathermarie and carolina that i cannot wait to get my hands on! stay tuned…
Sharecoyoacan pt2: what frida (and diego) wore 0
among the many noteable residences in coyoacan, (like trotsky’s hideout,) is la casa azul, where frida kahlo lived with diego rivera and home to the museo frida kahlo. one of the most famous latin american artists in the 20th century, reknowned for her paintings, physical (and emotional) tribulations, frida kahlo is also revered for her defiant, flamboyant style. inspired by the beautiful traditional dress of the people of Tehuantepec, a southern city where her mother was from, she also used these outfits to either call attention to or divert attention from a variety of physical afflictions resulting from childhood polio (embroidered platform shoes) and a near fatal auto accident (her sculpted, be-dazzled corsets).
until recently, all we had seen are photographs and paintings of fridas’ elaborate outfits, never the garments themselves. after her death, rivera locked away all her belongings, corsets, huipiles, skirts, capes, gowns and accessories. after his death they were in the safe keeping of a friend who kept them until her death in 2002. as if frozen in time, the permanent collection of the museo frida kahlo includes art and ephemera of both frida and diego, placing social and historical significance with letters, newspaper clippings and photographs. but now through november, there is also a small gallery housing temporary, rotating exhibit called, Appearances Can Be Deceiving, of a few of her outfits, accessories, photographs and some contemporary fashion inspired by her oft-imitated style.
you best believe we made a bee-line to pay homage to this style icon (sneaking a few pix along the way!)
Sharecoyoacan by bike 1
coyoacan is one of 16 boroughs of mexico city. it’s name, in nahuatl, means ‘place of the coyotes’ and is where the aztecs named this pre-hispanic village mostly populated by the tepenec people. hernan cortes and the spanish used this area as their headquarters making it the capital of ‘new spain’ around 1523. over the centuries the urban sprawl of mexico city developed around coyoacan leaving its’ cobble stone streets, alleys, plazas, gardens and many homes relatively intact amidst a vibrant, thriving bustling community. for locals or tourists, i can think of no better way to explore this gorgeous neighborhood than by bike. so we did. heathermarie’s friend febo, a professor of urban planning at the university, also operates a bike tour company and was our knowledgeable, enthusiastic guide/host. in the cool of mid-morning we breezed through the streets, taking in the sites, while febo explained historical and social significances, often stopping along the way to explore gardens or alleys or doorways or whatever caught our eye. you get to cover so much more ground, breezing around by bike. we had a light lunch at a nearby cantina and afterwards, walked back to wander some more on own. febo and his mexico bike tour offer tours of other areas i would’ve liked to explore, had i the time. next visit. when you visit mexico city i highly recommend adding their bike tour to your list of must-see + do’s.
echo park craft fair: may 11 + 12 0
what a line-up! this is sure to be another wonderful event. loads of great craft, collectibles, mother’s day offerings (- i’ll be there with everyw’air sprays and debuting some new creations), flora, edibles and talent. PLUS a unique (especially for la) opportunity to roam the neighboring streets and explore interesting things; same location as the ’12 holiday fair, the arts district close to little tokyo, moca, metro line etc. so pace yourself and make a day of it! look forward to seeing you there! oh, did i mention moon juice? and blue corn quesadillas???
821 east 3rd street, 90013
the UPsetter 0
the one, the only lee “scratch” perry. was doing his thing, live and direct, at dem passwords in west hollywood on 4.20.13. his show “repent americans” will be up till june 15. go check it.
the upsetter, a documentary by the duo responsible for the current show.
an infinite source of audio, visual inspiration and thought provocation, this upcoming documentary, vision of paradise, also looks very promising.
some bob marley X lee “scratch” perry
winter always turns to spring 0
if the sun and moon were not in the heavens, how could plants and trees grow?…those who believe in the Lotus Sutra are as if in winter, but winter always turns to spring. never, from ancient times on, has anyone heard or seen of winter turning back to autumn. -nichiren daishonin
winter always turns to spring. for that, and many other things, i am thankful! since last i posted, much has happened: hibernation, creation, hacking, manifestation, visitations, phishing, rebuilding, deciphering, planting, planning and living. simply. in no particular order, the last couple of months, in pictures.
Sharej. augur @ in aqua veritas 0
just a taste from the j. augur trunk show at in aqua veritas, (feal mor’s other store,) 2 doors down. happening now, while supplies last. G O!
4210 santa monica bvd, 90029
Sharedeck the halls…in ojai 0
thank YOU kenny and the ojai rancho inn! deck the halls was an awesome experience! so much talent, good vibes, good eats, good music. (special shout out to bianca and channon -welcome wagon to their new frontier…)
Sharet’is the season 1 0
for holiday gift bazaars!
i am thrilled everyw’air is part of the bureau of trade X storefront bazaar, downtown, in the ‘arts district’. opening reception this friday dec7, 7 – 9pm!
atwater village farm 1
so, it’s october and in la last week was hotter than hades (not that i’d know exactly). even with the triple digits, my east coast internal calendar-reflex tells me that in october i must start stocking up provisions for some serious cozy-time cooking activities. involving the stove, the oven, the crock pot, the dutch oven, the sauce pan, and of course, the pie pan. all the cast iron pans are seasoned and ready. it’s on! slow and low roasts, stews, soups and survey of all the delish gourds, nuts, roots you’d expect to fall out of the proverbial cornucopia. that’s where my mind and palate is although i’d have to stick my head in the freezer to find just one cool breeze. but i digress. on my way to a knitting store, to peruse wool for a weaving i’m working on, (i am totally preparing for winter hibernation, global warming be damned) i happened upon an awesome, not-too new but new to me, grocery store: atwater village farm: a ‘farm to table corner store.’ like neighborhood grocery stores of yore, it’s the perfect, not too big/not too small scale, with the right representation of everything you could need that’s fresh, mostly local, useful, healthy (alexis smart’s flower remedies, yay!), delicious, nutritious, mouth-watering and affordable. local produce, vegan, gluten/sugar-free AND full-o-wheat/sugar stuffs, dairy and nitrate-free antibiotic-free meats -happy, under one roof. it’s the 21st century utopian grocery store. and soooo attractively presented. friendly, helpful, knowledgable, proud staff. and did i mention -affordable? this is when and where the cozy-time stockpile urge kicked in. stop in, you’ll see what i mean.
3224 glendale blvd, los angeles, ca 90039. 323.660.8888. mon – fri 9a – 9p sat/ sun 9a – 7p
Sharewin-it wednesday giveaway! 1
yesterday, elaine brooks, of the list collective, featured a list of some of yours truly’s favorite online shops. today, the love continues with their WIN IT WEDNESDAY GIVEAWAY! yes, all caps for this one. click here for details on how you can win a set of everyw’air sprays! tell your friends…GOOD LUCK!